I suck, but you aren't better either

"I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing"
This quote is attributed to Socrates, a Greek philosopher, although it is a matter of debate if he actually told it. Anyway I believe it's a stupendous quote and is a perfect beginning for what I'm going to write in this post.

Very few people are virtuous enough to admit that they suck in many ways. For whatever-you-like's sake, we are only human. We aren't meant to be perfect. We are meant to learn from our mistakes, not run away from them. The magnitude of knowledge and wisdom a person can attain has no limits, and regardless of which perspective you look from, there is still incredible amount of knowledge and skills we can learn. You know I love quotes, so I want to add one right here:
"He who asks may be a fool for five minutes. He who doesn't is a fool for a lifetime."
-Chinese proverb.
 One who says "I'm done, I couldn't be any better" is the real loser. Like legit loser. Loser loser. That's because one who says that, has dumped any scope of development that could actually take place. Think of life as riding a bicycle. You have to constantly pedal, you can't stop pedaling if you don't want to fall down (please, don't tell me you're using side wheels). Life is a journey where you can't risk to stop improving yourself. Stopping doesn't mean you stay at the same level. If you stop, your level starts descending. You gotta work hard. Whatever you're interested in. You want to be an entrepreneur, work for it. You want to be a doctor, work for it. You want to be a journalist, work for it. Heck, you want to be a Disney princess, work for it. That's if you want to be successful. If you don't care about success, you could live inside a cave and it wouldn't make any difference. There we go again, the purpose of life: why do we even need success? We're dying anyways. But that's not what we're talking about, so that's a topic for another day.

Some people suck even after achieving success. You know why? Because of their arrogance. I don't understand why some people act as if they have won the Nobel Prize when what they've actually done is win a relatively insignificant local prize. I mean congratulations but that attitude will take you directly to the corridor that leads to the unsuccessful-lads'-failure-pit (don't even ask me what that means). These kind of people also for the most part live in an unreal fantasy world they've made up in their heads. I pity.

We also suck because we can laugh when people in different parts of the world cry. Because we can rest comfortably with our stomachs full while kids in other parts of the world die of hunger. Because we don't even acknowledge that we suck. You might now be thinking, "okay, we aren't perfect but do we really have to suck?" No. With all seriousness, people who admit their mistakes, acknowledge their flaws and correct themselves do not suck, and are of the virtuous. I know I've made a paradox here, but that's just how it is...
Hope to see you in another post of mine.
Your brother writes!


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