First post... Introduction?

Hello everybody... welcome to my new blog. New, brand new. First, I want to thank you, and also appreciate you for taking your precious and valuable time (and also your internet pack) to come here and read my stuff. You might now be thinking, "okay now, it's new, it's brand new but what the hell will you be writing here?" Nice question, thank you. I'll be writing whatever the hell I want and you are obliged to read it (well, please?). I'm not going to have a concrete structure for my posts at the moment, I'll write about anything I feel like. I'll basically pour myself out on this blog and the content might not always be related to one another. Do you want to know more about me? Continue reading, comrade.
I'm not going to write my life story here. Though it would well fit in, I'm not a fan of exposing myself on an internet website, and I also advise you not to, because you know, Google uncle is hungry for all the information we can provide. Anyways, coming to me, I don't actually know what I am. I would actually like to congratulate you if you do know yourself. It's a very difficult thing. Some people might think they know themselves, but they actually don't. Knowing oneself in true sense is one difficult a task. Let me pose a few questions to illustrate my point: What are your values? What do you value the most? How do you measure your success? What makes you happy or sad or excited or high or low? These are not easy questions, and might take months, if not years to find answers to. I believe that a person can not completely understand life without understanding himself/herself. On the process of finding myself, I've decided to pour myself out on my keyboard time to time here on this blog. Hope you have a good time reading my stuff, and I'm honored if you get anything valuable out of here.
See you real soon in one of my posts...
Your brother writes...!


  1. Would like to see more of these.Feels like the beginning of an exciting


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