Why you don't need a thousand followers

It has become a trend among teens: Increasing followers and likes on their social media accounts. I'm here to tell you it's of no use. The hundreds or thousands of followers you made by #follow4follow or those follower earning apps- doesn't have any importance. Don't get offended (I don't care anyway), that's how it is.

The social media. It's difficult to say if its good or bad. Debates have been made, arguments have been given. I'm not here to say if it's a boon or a bane. I'm just going to illustrate how destructive social-media can become if not regulated.

You see, these followers you get by mass following or one of those follower gaining apps aren't permanent and are just a number on your profile. They won't have any importance in your career, neither will it make you famous. Yea it kinda makes you cool temporarily, but it's not worth hours of your time. Every follower you get makes you more dependent on your account, and soon enough, you find yourself checking your app every time you find a chance. Just as you wake up, before having your breakfast, after having your breakfast, until you leave your home for school or work, on the way, on the return, after returning for relaxing .... and the list goes on. There is no limit. And every time you actually check your feed, you are weakening your will power and training yourself to get easily distracted. Here's a tip I got from a video I recently watched on youtube: the guy said not to touch the phone during the one-hour period after waking up, and before going to sleep. Not using your phone before sleeping is even more important, because it keeps you awake.

To conclude, I want you to know that followers don't mean much if you don't have a purpose. Instead of wasting time on social media, focus on developing your skills. Who knows, maybe the skill you develop could bring you the fame and followers you want much more quicker than you thought.


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