Students vs. Exams

Every student had that
If you fail, you're bad-bad
No excuses, you're smart
Only down side is you don't start!
Start what? Studying of course
If not, a slipper with force
Don't try,
You can never be perfect
Nerd if topper, dumb if not!

(Everyone was happy... then came in exams)

Yeah, brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about exams... The purpose of which I can't completely comprehend, but anyway get good marks. Exams don't really have much of a value when you look at it from personality development perspective, but the only reason I study for them, is because I'm going to get a certificate without which I wouldn't officially be "educated". Weird right?Let me tell you one thing: I don't remember things I've learnt last year more than a friend of mine who got 10-20 marks less than me (I didn't check). What I want to say is, I don't need to break my head memorizing all the stuff which I'm going to forget anyway. If 'education' is the real purpose, the stuff I remember about anything I've learnt in the previous years did not deserve hours and days of my worthy and productive (debatable) time. If I'm giving the impression that I'm against formal education, let me affirm it by saying I'm not against formal education. But I believe the current system can be criticized and has flaws. First of all, let's put our priorities straight: do we want to measure our children's capability of rote learning and mugging up stuff, or do we want to find the unique skills of our children and educate them on what they are actually capable of? The current educational system is based on not making any mistakes and being perfect. Making a mistake is virtually the worst thing you could do. What does this result in? Children who can't venture to try out new stuff. Instead, children must be taught that failures and mistakes are inevitable factors of life, without which we can't develop ourselves. Albert Einstein rightly put it: "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” Anyway, our topic is exams, so I'm not going to delve deep into the education system. I just want to say one more thing-starting to study is very difficult. It's a real struggle. I personally have to give a great resistance against my distractions. But you know, the path to success is full of thorns. So guys and gals, study for your  exams. Until we find a way to improve the system, the best we can do is at least get the best grade of our capability- except in case you are exceptionally good at something else, you might not need good marks. (Before you ask who I am to talk and give advice on exams- I am ... wait, I won’t say. I don’t want to upset your world.)
If you took any offense please leave it back (I know enough with the shitty jokes)
See ya real soon...
Your brother writes...!


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