On Happiness (mathematical formula included!)

Happiness is a simple concept. It's a deep concept at the same time. It might be difficult, but it's easy. I'm in conflicting thoughts about it. We all want happiness. We all need happiness.

Picture credits: www.tes.com
Some people contend that material wealth is a must for leading a happy life and attaining happiness. Others consider this view as an utter stupidity. Is happiness something that originates from inside, or is it caused by outside factors?
Let me repeat.
Happiness is simple. But deep at the same time.
Is happiness just a matter of luck? No, it shouldn't be like that. That would be unfair. Unfair. Is everything perfectly fair? No, it isn't. I could show you the guy with a net worth of 100 billion dollars and then a continent full of millions of malnourished men, women, children and babies that can't even get a dollar a day.
Are we supposed to be happy all the time? No. Most of the time? No.
By this point of time you might be perplexed and tired of these questions.
Hold tight. We've just started the ride.
Happiness. It's just another emotion we humans experience. Out of all of them, it's one of those few that we strive for. Let me tell you what my views on happiness are.
It comes from inside. Factors on the outside do play a role in happiness, but in the end it's all about your perspective on situations and things and what not. If you continue reading, you'll understand this better.
"Happiness equals reality minus expectations." -Tom Magliozzi
I've just given you the mathematical formula of happiness! (well, theoretically Tom Magliozzi did.)
Okay, so jot it down:
H = R - E
I'll tell you what that means. That means have ZERO expectations. Do not have any expectation from anyone. When I say anyone, it's anyone. When you have big expectations and the reality isn't that big, you'll end up having a negative balance of happiness. That's how it is.
I want to add another quote, this time by Theodore Roosevelt. "Comparison is the thief of joy."
(Ugh Roosevelt. With whom did you compare yourself?)
When we compare ourselves with others and can't find the wealth or success or whatever they have in their life in our own life, we might feel like a sucker. DON'T GO TO COMPARISONS. If you know Gary Vaynerchuk, he often says, "You don't want what your friends want, so why care about it?" He also says that every second you spend thinking about what somebody else has is taking from time that you could use for making something for yourself. Think about it. How better could it be said?
Don't even get me started about Instagram. The place where everyone post only the happiest moments of their life and make you feel like a loser. Believe me, they don't have perfect lives.
And in case you end up unhappy, don't worry! We can't always be happy. There's ups and downs in everyone's lives. If there wouldn't be night, we wouldn't know what day meant. If there wouldn't be sadness, we wouldn't know happiness. The problem is when your sadness is chronic. Then, it's better you consult a freakin' psychologist.

 Picture credits : www.psychologies.co.uk
Hoping to see you on an another beautiful day...
Your bro writes!


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