I can't wait to work!

You wake up to the sound of the alarm. It's 6 AM, you've just woke up but you're tired already. You don't want to wake up, but you have to. You unwillingly go to the washroom, brush your teeth and wash your face (if you don't, ew!). You need to have a breakfast, but you can't enjoy it.

I hope this is not you. But if it is, you need to make some serious changes to your life.
Why does a person feel this way? What is wrong while one has the money, health, shelter and food? One thing is wrong: their career choice.
Many people choose careers with higher income over work they love doing. The problem with this is, if you don't like what you're doing, what is the point of money? What are we aiming for- money or happiness? If you ask me, your parameters should be around happiness and contentment. People often confuse money as the primary criteria.
People have to realize once and for all that money can only help bring happiness, it isn't happiness. It is when one goes after their passion that they start enjoying life, they start living.
Remember what Confucius said?Yes, that famous Chinese: "Choose a job you love, and you never have to work a day in your life."
You heard him guys. Because when you do the job you love, you don't get tired at all. You enjoy your freakin' life! Think about a world where you can't wait for Mondays. You gotta love Mondays.
And let me tell you another thing- when you do the job you love, the thing you're passionate about, money is likely to follow. Whatever you do, if you enjoy it and put your heart and mind into it, you are very likely to be successful at it.
Anyways, why do you want to live a life where you don't want to wake up, you don't like Mondays and you look forward to Fridays? Enjoy your life. Live your life in your weekdays, not your weekends.
Be the CEO of your own life. Be the Chief Executive of your own freakin' life! 

You wake up before your alarm even goes off. You are highly energetic. You go to the washroom, brush your teeth and wash your face in a hurry, have your breakfast pretty quick and run to your work. You live happily ever after.


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