Why can't I be successful!?

You've been witness to your peers winning a state level medal, competing in international mathematics olympiad, setting up their own lemonade business and being successful at it, getting into Harvard, playing for the national football team, and accomplishing other super achievements, and when you compare yourself to them, you can't help but feel envious and bad about yourself.

"Comparison is the thief of joy." -Theodore Roosevelt. (I talk about happiness elaborately on another blog post of mine: ON HAPPINESS (MATHEMATICAL FORMULA INCLUDED!))

 Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash
The best plans are the results of previous experiences! Don't be afraid to fill your trash bin.

Don't compare yourself to others. Do you want what your friends want? If not why do you care? If you do want what your friends want, however, remember that they did not get their benefits and achievements and all those perks for free. Most often, it's only the result of the hard work that gets the most publicity. What many people don't know is that the success they envy was achieved by constant hard work and perseverance. "The arrow that hits the bull's-eye is the result of hundred misses." So if you want to be successful and have great accomplishments, remember- it's not going to come for cheap. If you want to be in the top 1%, you gotta do stuff only 1% of people do.

In my previous post, I've talked about the importance of doing the work you love (I can't wait to work!). When you do the work you love, you start savoring the process. When you start enjoying the process, the fruitful result is going to follow. 

But still, I don't mean that you have to have massive achievements. Being moderate is just as fine, and believe me, there is nothing wrong with owning a Toyota Corolla instead of a Ferrari. If you and your family are healthy, happy and debt-free, there is more to thank than complain. Majority of the world has been in the moderate bracket until now, and there is no possible way everyone can be extraordinary. 

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash
Savor the little things that bring joy to your life!

Nonetheless, I encourage you to push your limits and try to be the best version of yourself. Trust me, it won't hurt. (Consider reading a few good books, eh? It really helps to broaden your horizon, it's my experience speaking)

Your Brother Writes...!

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I also encourage you to give me feedback, criticism or appreciation through either leaving a comment down below or messaging me directly.  
And lastly, I'd be thankful if you subscribe to this blog. See ya people real soon! Thanks for coming!


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