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What's the route of your ship?

You're inside a ship. The ship sails forward, never giving the slightest of breaks. The waves of the ocean are sometimes furious and wild, and at other times, they're as calm as a cat that's full and asleep. You don't see a shore at a visible distance, but have a compass and a map in your hand. You make precise calculations and locate yourself on the map and choose a destination to eventually reach a shore. Okay, I'm getting into the topic. Life is like an ocean, and you are like a ship. You are sailing non-stop in the ocean of life. You must have an aim and a goal in life to reach somewhere. If not, just like a ship without a route, you'll drown in the endless ocean and when you're white and grey and full of sleep, you'll be preoccupied with some regretful thoughts. Your goal in life will pave your path to your destination and lead you to a safe shore. Set achievable goals and keep raising them as you achieve. NEVER fall into the regret pithole. A c

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